So this month has been focused on training for our biggest ride of the year: All Points North 2021
This is an ultra-distance cycling event organised by a Different Gear in Sheffield in the North of England. Riders start from Sheffield and must pass through 10 control points in a 72-hour time limit. They must be unsupported, receiving no outside assistance which is not readily available to everyone (no friends, family or well-meaning dot-watchers), can ride the controls in any order they wish and must design their own route. The route will likely be over 1000km and the controls are, shall we say, particularly scenic…( often up big hills!)
There is a mix of riders and we are in the pairs category and the only tandem to have ever dared to enter… it remains to be seen if we will make the finishers meal at 8pm on Tuesday!
But YOU can be the first to know! “Dot watching” has become increasingly popular recently and you can follow our virtual “dot” at :
Track Live Progress of APN21
We are APN21 Pair 76a and 76b! So come and virtually cheer us on!!
This has meant a shorter blog post this time but our friends at Epic Ride Weather have kindly posted one for us about all things epic and weather on our Super Randonneur series which has been the lead up training for this event. Check it out HERE .

Finally we would like to say a massive THANK YOU to our new sponsors Exustar Global who have not only fitted use out with some rather fabulous helmets and jerseys we will be using for APN and ARW (Around the World!) but also some SPD sandals which we are really looking forward to putting through their paces once we’ve recovered from APN… it’s never a good idea to trial new kit on a big ride no matter how comfy they feel and how high quality they are!

So… we’ll see you on the other side!
I think you are both barking but have e very faith you will achieve everything you do
Thanks 👍
Enjoy the ride, we are with you all the way!
Very interested to see how you get on with Spd sandals. I’m thinking to make the change to them for the Tour Aotearoa 2022.
Admittedly as they are brand spanking new we haven’t taken them this time but they will need plenty of breaking in before we go around the World in them so will let you know how we get on!
I’m wishing you both the very best of luck and hoping there will be much to enjoy. I’ll be dot watching.
Great riding guys! From what I can see only 3 points left and geographically… it’s all down hill 😆. Kia kaha!