Let training begin…

Pauline: a heavy bike to ride a 37mile commute on..

I am frantically fumbling with the valve cap on my back wheel, clumsily trying to get the hand pump attached whilst I can still just about grip through my numb, icy fingers. I am soaked through and cold, hungry and tired after only a few hours sleep and wrestling to get my rear wheel puncture fixed before things get any worse…

This may sound like part of yet another epic bike ride, but in fact I am on my way home from a night shift and my drenched situation is due to me relying on a swift blast home and throwing everything in the wash and me in the bath! But not to be…

I could have called Stevie to pick me up, left the bike and got a bus/taxi and sacked off my 37mile round trip commute, but then I won’t have a bike ready for tonight, I’ll still be waiting getting colder and wetter in the rain (I’m pretty sure any self respecting taxi wouldn’t have let me in) and I know I can fix this.


So “training” has started, but not in the sense of a set plan, a number of weekly miles or a set distance to be covered. We are still a long way off from our challenge and we have a lot to do, I have only just launched on social media and am building up our profile, trying to learn how to work Twitter and Instagram. We have started out pleas for sponsorship, and the polite and kind rejection emails are already coming through- we know this will have to be a persistent effort. We are looking at options for our tandem and investigating the best options to fit her (or him?!) out.

So training in the sense of bicycle riding is not the priority just yet, but yet we must still maintain our fitness through this winter and the next and we are still riding our bikes. Stevie has absolutely made the most of lockdown this time round, riding almost daily on fast fixed spins and longer loops around lumpy lanes. I am somewhat more restricted but use my commute to night shifts to build my miles and also make sure I get some fresh air, I wish I could say sunshine but that has been mostly absent this week.

We are also undertaking the Randonneurs Round The Year (RRTY) through Audax UK where we must ride a 200km verified Audax event every month for 12 months. We are 2 down with the third planned for this Friday… however, warnings from the organiser that this is his toughest ride and with minimal daylight this will be no easy feat! As ever we never make things easy for ourselves!!

So we are “training” in the sense of endurance. Our ride will not be about absolute fitness on the bike, but more about the physical and mental fortitude to get us through. So by riding a hilly 200km in December and fixing a puncture in the rain on a few hours sleep we are training ourselves for adventure!!

I will occasionally keep you all up to date on our progress, but if you don’t already follow us on social media for more regular updates and if anyone has any contact/ advice / idea for sponsors please please please do get in contact!

Oh and if you have any questions, do ask in the FAQ !

Pretty sure these ads are mocking me!!
Saved by brunch! Stevie knows how to cheer up a soggy, tired wife!

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